Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Day 77: Nightmare

There are only so many times I can say how tired I am before even I get bored of it, but that's basically all I can think about today. It was pretty exhausting, and not much fun.

Year 7 first thing were pretty good. The lesson was on sonnets, and I'd like to think most of them got it but I did trail off at the end. I'm still not getting the hang of the new schemes so it's been a bit trial and error so far.

I had two frees next, and again, not sure what I did during them, other than work myself into a panic about the last two lessons of the day - year 9 followed by year 8.

It was a bit of a disaster, as it turns out. Year 9 were utterly abysmal, and I suppose my fatigue got the better of me. I didn't keep control, and despite all the good intentions I'd left the meeting the day before with, I just was too pooped to do what I was supposed to. I was crabby and terrible, and even showing them Nightmare on Elm Street couldn't get them to concentrate. A colleague, who taught them after me today in period 5, told me he uses charm to get them to behave. I suppose I sway the other way too easily.

I was so tired by the end of that lesson, I couldn't believe they were being followed up by my worst group. That lesson was even worse - the kids were shitty enough, there were technical difficulties and the lesson dissolved into shit. I was so fed up by the end, I was rather pleased when some colleagues (who I'd rebuffed the day before) asked me to the pub.

I went home, exhausted but relaxed, and despite chilling out all evening with my flatmates, I am not really ready for tomorrow. Only two lessons, so I'll be finished for the day by break, but I'm just so tired. Does it get easier?

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