Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Day 107: Yes, it is fucking boring

What a fucking disaster. I feel like I'm going to explode. I am so tired; I'm getting headaches whenever the coffee wears off and my temper is at an all time high. I'm so fucking miserable. I just want to quit this fucking bollocks. Really, what I want is a fucking cigarette.

I had my absolute worst lesson since before Christmas, with my year 9s (once again I had them on my own because the TA fucked off to an exam) who were atrocious. The lesson itself was doomed to failure because, despite trying to change it around, it was too challenging for them so I couldn't even set them work and get on with it, I had to talk them through it, but spent ages waiting for silence and seemingly arguing with the kids fucking around. At one point I told them I was going to wait for silence for like 10 minutes (why did I even think that was a good idea?) and agreed with one kid when she said it was "fucking boring" which made all the kids gasp and I tried to turn it into a lecture on not swearing. Any attempts I'd wanted to make to be friendlier with the kids fell to pieces and I was overwhelmed with apathy and attention seeking behaviour.
"Miss, why did even you become a teacher?"
I don't know what the fuck to do. I even thought the other lesson I might be able to teach them on my own, but they're unbearable. Half the kids did no work, and the ones that did got restless waiting for the rest of the group to catch up. It was a fucking nightmare, and I was actually relieved to get year 8 in after, although only because I agreed with my colleague to show them the film of the book we're reading to save myself any more stress.

I really am so fucking fed up with this shit. I am the least exceptional fucking graduate around right now and all I want to do is go home to my mum and dad and stay there for a long, long time. Fuck the lot of them.

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