Monday, 16 November 2009

Day 46: Running out of synonyms for "tired"

First things first - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! I'm not sure if you'll even read this before tomorrow, but I hope if you do then you're having a lovely birthday.

Down to business. I was doing a little maths today. Please humour me.

2: days since I've had a cigarette (I am determined to quit.)
2: weeks till payday (Oh god!)
2.5: months that I have been a teacher
5: weeks till the end of term.
15: children left in my year 9 class (Thank you HIP!)
135: lessons (approx.) that I have taught.

Scary stuff, non?

Today was interesting. Well, not really. I started with first period off, and busied myself sorting out my first lesson, adding various aspects, planning others. First up were year 8, and I was being observed by a colleague who is part of the training team for us teachy firstys. I was a bit nervous, mainly because the group stress me out so much. They turned up, eventually, and I got going with the lesson. The worst student (the one who hates me) was mercifully absent, but the new boy did turn up, although I wasn't expecting him to. They did get through the work, and the behaviour wasn't atrocious, although I did send out one girl who was being obnoxious.
The feedback after the lesson was fair and nice, actually (although I still cried, embarrassingly enough.) She pointed out some things I was aware of: I need to have a starter ready to go on the board on or their desks, rather than wait for them to get ready. This will be sorted for tomorrow. I also need to make the lessons more active, and she gave me some good advice for reading with the group.

After break was year 7, who came in to the room to the sound of Bonnie Tyler's Holding out for a Hero, and me dancing. This was fun, but admittedly a mistake, as they were all a little excitable after. I told a few off, which worked at taking them down a peg or two. The lesson was ok, and we got through most of the work, but as I made up something for them to do, which I should have saved to the end, we didn't get through all the reading so will have to finish it tomorrow (when I am being observed. Eep.)

After lunch I had year 9, and was quite delighted to see so few of them. They're a tough group, and I had to tell off a kid (who looks about 30) for calling me "darling".
"Don't call me that"
"Why not? I call loads of people darling."
"It's not appropriate."
"What does that mean? Man, I hate that word. People always say that to me."
"Funny that."
Again, we got through the work, a little quicker than expected, as I tried to simplify it for them, and they shot through it, unsurprisingly. I ended up showing them the video they'd already watched - pretending that we were going to watch something else but I couldn't find it. Ha!

Finally, I had year 11. I told the boys (we've lost one from this group too, as I've moved him up a set) that I'd just quit smoking so was easily aggravated, although they seemed to ignore this towards the end of the lesson and just pissed me right off. Someone's phone kept going off, which was irritating, and they weren't really paying the short story as much attention as I would have liked. Ah well, I'll have to try harder tomorrow.

And so, after some more Teachy Firsty Monday evening training, I came home, after a visit to the classy new Iceland, and have mooched in front of the TV as I'm feeling a bit run down, if I'm honest. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Ciao. x

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