Sunday, 15 November 2009

Days 44 and 45: Relentless

The problem with living for the weekend is twofold. One: the rest of the week tends to melt into one big pile of horribleness. Two: the weekend itself goes bloody quickly. As I look back over the last two working days of this week, both points are evident.

Thursday started off as always. I have been managing to get in around 7.30 for the past few days which is pretty good, considering how dark it's getting in the mornings, and how little I've been sleeping. I had year 9 to start, and seemed to have lost half the kids along the way. They were unruly, although we got through the text, and I was impressed that they seemed to understand what was going on. It is the Tempest, after all. The behaviour descended into chaos after a while, but I suppose that was my fault for not being strict enough with them, and so I was somewhat pleased to read an email today telling me that three of the students from that class are going to be sent to the HIP, which means they'll be out of my lessons for at least a few weeks.

Afterwards were year 10, and I actually can't remember what we did, although I think it was writing the introductions to their coursework. That's a good sign, isn't it? I do remember I was sat on my desk and I knocked over a glass of water with my butt, which was funny. I should take it as a sign that they must like me that we laughed it off and I sent off a kid to get some tissue to wipe it up. I also managed to get them back on task after (if only I could remember what it was...)

I was then free until last lesson; again I can't remember what I did but last lesson was year 7 and it was, as far as I can remember, a good lesson. The kids are getting a little cocky, which I'm finding a little difficult because I want to get on with them but I've turned into an evil stepmother character at the moment to stop them acting up. I'm not sure what else I can do but I've got them tomorrow so I'll be able to stamp my authority on them.

After work I relaxed, safe in the knowledge that I wouldn't be teaching the next day. Instead of planning I baked cupcakes and decorated them by writing out the names of my colleagues on it. I found out at 8am the next morning that this wasn't as cute as I'd thought, when every colleague bar one made fun of me for being sad. Tears.

Friday morning, after the cupcake insults, I was feeling pretty pleased with myself. I had only two lessons, as with every Friday, and wasn't going to teach either. "BUT WHY!?" I hear you shout. I'll tell you.

First up were year 10, who had an exam the next lesson. Rather than overload their brains with extra English stuff, I gave them the option - write their introductions, or revise for their maths exam. They were pleased with the option, and all but one got down to it. A few of them were off-task, but it went quite well, and I know that on the whole I can trust them to work off their own back.

My second lesson of the day, after a lesson off, was year 7, and we were booked for the library, so I was going to let the lovely librarian teach them for me! They were also a little feisty and again gave me cause for concern. One boy apparently tried to skive the lesson, but we ran into him on the way, and I had a stern word outside the library, which resulted in me taking him back to my classroom after the lesson for a 5 minute detention. I asked him if he'd been skiving other lessons - apparently so. Not impressed. What was a bit of a cause for celebration, and one which I've repeated several times now, was that when he was sat in my room and I was talking to him, another boy ran past and shouted "WASTEMAN" at him. I got up and managed to get him to sit in my classroom himself for 5 minutes and, eventually, apologise for being so rude. WIN!

The rest of the day was wasted by myself, if I'm honest, and I'm a little bit annoyed that I passed up a great opportunity to plan Monday's lessons but, ah well.

Friday finished, and I was down the pub. I've actually run out of money now, and as there are two weeks till I get paid, I won't be going back for the ritual until December. On the money note, I've actually decided to stop smoking as, if for no other reason, I'm spending at least 25 quid a week on it, and that's just silly.

I can't believe I've only got 5 weeks left of term, and it's half way through November already. I only hope the rest of the term goes as quickly.

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